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Yate Academy


Our Behaviour Curriculum

At Yate Academy we treat behaviour as a curriculum. This means that we teach children how to behave appropriately in school, in line with our values of Ambition, Excellence and Pride. We teach our children this through:

  • The use of Character cards
  • Clear instructions in lessons
  • Rewards, such as in class merits, character card signatures and Reward experiences 
  • Assemblies 
  • Displays around the school, for example our Character Trait posters and interactive screen displays.
  • Individual meetings with students and families. 
  • Supportive interventions focussing on the correct behaviours required. 
  • Clear communication about what constitutes bullying and how to report it, via tutor time and PSHE lessons. 
  • A clear and consistent sanctions process. 
  • Clarity on what is expected in each part of the school. 
  • Re-induction sessions each Unit in which student work through a booklet outlining expectations. 
  • In class behaviour systems, for example warnings for low level disruption. 



Yate Academy is a school in which students work exceptionally hard, are kind to one another, and demonstrate our core values consistently. We believe that students should be rewarded consistently for doing the right thing. We recognise how hard our children work and want to ensure that they receive rewards for this. 

We reward students by:

  • Issuing merits in lessons
  • Issuing character card signatures at social times
  • Providing a weekly Fun Friday event, and treats at least once a half-term. 
  • Running a weekly reward event for top merit students in each year group.
  • Running end of term rewards experiences for the children who accumulate the most merits, students are grouped into Gold Students (top 12 per year group), Silver Students (next 20 top students per year group), Bronze Students (next 50 top students per year group).
  • Providing an education that will enable students to be rewarded with excellent qualifications when they leave us.


Responding to unacceptable behaviour.

We have extremely high expectations of the students at Yate Academy. We know that their education is too important to allow disruptive behaviour to disrupt it. We simply cannot allow this. 

Students at Yate Academy have a choice, they are either in lessons, behaving impeccably and working their hardest, or they go through the behaviour system and may be removed from the lesson. If a student is removed from the lesson they are removed for such time until they are ready for academic reintegration. When removed from lessons students work following the same curriculum as those students in class, and are supported by our academic reintegration officer in ensuring they are ready for learning.  Through our behaviour curriculum we support students to make the right choice and access a high quality education. 

We will utilise our academic reintegration centre when we are investigating serious incidents and to keep students out of circulation whilst these incidents are being investigated. 


Fixed Term Suspensions

As per our behaviour policy and procedure, we do utilise fixed term suspensions where necessary. If a child is suspended for a fixed period parents will receive a letter, and will be asked to attend a readmission meeting, in which the behaviour will be discussed and support identified. Part of this support will involve a period of time spent ensuring the child involved is ready for learning. We feel that it is essential that parents attend readmission meetings in order to support their child's return to school.